Where to find us

Good connection from Oldříš by bus (1 km) or by train (3 km). We may provide a transport of your baggage (after an arrangement). By car: starting from Polička, take the road number 34, direction Hlinsko; arriving in Borová, turn left to the road number 357 leading to Telecí; there take the road turning left (between two bus stops) and drive uphill to Lucký vrch. There is a parking near the boarding house, available also for buses.

Orientational distances: 85 km from Brno, 145 km from Prague, 105 km from Olomouc, 90 km from Polish border.

GPS coordinates

49°42’43.823″N, 16°10’8.461″E (or 49.7121731N, 16.1690169E)

On-line Google Map